Saturday, May 24, 2008

Protect Yourself From Pesky Mosquitoes

It's May and summer is approaching fast. Even if you haven't noticed them yet every Michigander's favorite insect, the mosquito, is out there and they aren't going away any time soon. So what can you do about it? Well, you could sit inside all summer or you could follow some simple tips on how to avoid being bitten and decrease your chances of catching any nasty mosquito-born diseases.

1. Try to avoid shaded areas where mosquitoes may be resting. Also try not to schedule any outside events around dusk or dawn, as mosquitoes are more likely to be active during these times.

2. Use special "Bug Lights" to illuminate your patios or decks. These lights don't have to be mosquito repellent to be effective. It's enough to just find light bulbs that simply don't attract mosquitoes like every day incandescent lights do.

3. Keeping a large fan running on your deck or patio will cut down on the number of mosquitoes.

4. Wearing protective clothing such as long pants and long sleeved shirts while you're outside will keep you from being bitten.

5. It's always a good idea to use insect repellent when you're outdoors. Particularly, look for those products with DEET, Picaridin, and Oil of Lemon-Eucalyptus, which are proven to be the most effective repellents. However, keep in mind to always follow the instructions on the label when you use a repellent as they can be harmful to YOU if you use them incorrectly.

6. Make sure to fix or replace any window or door screens with holes or tears in them. Also put 16-mesh screening or hardware cloth over any vent outlets on your roof.

7. Keep emergent vegetation to a minimum in any ponds and streams around your home.

8. Mosquitoes will use any standing water as breeding grounds, so try to eliminate these around your house.
- Keep your swimming pool chlorinated and clean.
- Repair leaky outdoor faucets.
- Dispose of any tires.
- Keep your roof gutters clear of debris.
- Change the water in birdbaths, plant pots, and pet water dishes regularly.
- Keep things like boats, small pools, and canoes turned over so water can’t collect inside them. Make sure to avoid allowing water to collect on pool or boat covers.
- Plug tree holes and stumps.
- Keep the shrubbery, weeds, and grass in your yard trimmed.
- Fill in or drain ruts and puddles in your yard.

Even small containers can breed hundreds of mosquitoes, so don’t leave standing water in containers of any size.

9. Keep ponds well stocked with mosquito fish, but first be sure to consult local fish and game personnel to see if you require a permit. It’s also wise to maintain steeply graded pond margins to keep any predators from eating these fish.

And remember, even if you follow these methods of mosquito prevention you may still get mosquitoes from an uninformed neighbors property, so don’t keep these tips to yourself. The more people you tell how to prevent mosquitoes the fewer mosquitoes you will have to worry about.


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